Sunshine Needs a Stall
What: The Suffolk County Department of Labor’s Summer Work Experience Program for Youth provided three Butterflies with a paid summer internship through a collaboration between the Butterfly Effect Project and the First Baptist Church of Riverhead. The girls chosen for this paid internship are exceptional young ladies, especially Taliyah Moore, a 15 year old Riverside resident who suffers from Cerebral Palsy. This Job is an opportunity of a lifetime for her. Taliyah comes to work and does not expect any special treatment. She enjoys working, and the feeling of independence that comes with earning her own money. The only problem we have is that the bathrooms at the First Baptist Church, where “Sunshine”, as we affectionately call her, are not Handicap Accessible.
Although, the internship program is over in mid August, Sunshine is also a Junior Volunteer with The Butterfly Effect Project and attends the First Baptist Church chapter twice a month. She plans to continue her internship as a volunteer when it ends. Sunshine spends a lot of time at the First Baptist Church and will be in the office frequently, but her inability to use the restroom threatens her ability to continue for long periods of time.
Part of our mission is to build self-sufficiency and remove obstacles so girls can reach their highest potential. We feel that allowing Sunshine the freedom and independence to have access to a restroom she can use comfortably should not be a dream, but a reality! We are asking for community support by way of donations of time, material or money to help us make this a reality.
You will soon see counter top donation boxes for loose change at stores around Flanders, Riverside & Riverhead. We have also established a page on our website for more information, and where anyone can donate specifically to this cause. We are happy to accept materials for a new restroom as well.
Where: Riverhead First Baptist Church 1018 Northville Turnpike, Riverhead, NY